


人力資源管理、行銷管理、組織行為、 商用英文 、企業教育訓練




National Sun Yat-sen University (Ph.D. in HRM)
University of Sheffield (MBA), UK.
Uppsala University, Sweden.





  1. Hsing-Kuo Wang & Yu-Fang Yen.2023. How the organizational ethical climate accounts for employee voice behavior: a multilevel analysis.Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 1(61)124-145.
  2. Cheng-Fei Tsai & Yu-Fang Yen *. 2020. The moderating effect of employee perception of responsible downsizing on job satisfaction and innovation commitment. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 31(15), 1919-1937.(SSCI).
  3. Philip Tsai & Yu-Fang Yen.2017. Study of Relationship of Workplace Person-environment Fit, Country Identification and Affective Commitment-Evidence of Chinese Immigrant Wives in Taiwan. Athens Journal of Business and Economics. 3(2):101-122.
  4. Hsing-Kuo Wang, Yu-Fang Yen& Jung-Feng Tseng.2016. Knowledge sharing in knowledge workers: The roles of social exchange theory and the theory of planned behavior. Innovation Organization & Management. 17(4):450-465. (SSCI)
  5. Yu-Fang Yen, Hsing-Kuo Wang* & William Kao.2016. High-performance work practices and organizational performance in small firms: the role of guanxi. Total Quality Management & Business Excellence .27(5-6):628-646. (SSCI)
  6. Yu-Fang Yen, Jung-Feng Tseng, Hsing-Kuo Wang. 2015 accepted. The effect of internal social capital on knowledge sharing. Knowledge Management Research & Practice. 13(2):214-224 (SSCI).
  7. Cheng-Fei Tsai and Yu-Fang Yen* (*Corresponding author). 2015. Development of institutional downsizing theory: evidence from MNC’s downsizing strategy and HRM practices in TW, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 26(3): 248-262. (SSCI).
  8. Hsing-Kuo Wang, Jung-Feng Tseng, Yu-Fang Yen*. (*Corresponding author). 2014. How does insitituinal norms and trust influence knowledge sharing? An institutional theory. Innovation Organization& Management,. 16(3): 374-391. (SSCI).
  9. Yu-Fang Yen*, Jung-Feng Tseng and Hsing-Kuo Wang (*Corresponding author). 2014. Exploring the mediating role of trust on the relationship between guanxi and knowledge sharing: A social network perspective, Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 52: 173-192. (SSCI)
  10. Jung-Feng Tseng, Hsing-Kuo Wang and Yu-Fang Yen* (*Corresponding author). 2014. Organizational innovability: exploring the impact of human and social capital in the banking industry, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence. 25(10): 1088-1104. (SSCI).
  11. Yu-Fang Yen. 2013. The impact of bank’s human capital on organizational performance: how innovation influences performance. 15(1): 112-128, Innovation: Management, Policy & Policy. (SSCI).
  12. Hsing-Kuo Wang, Yu-Fang Yen* and Jung-Feng Tseng (*Corresponding author). 2012. Examining the mechanisms linking guanxi, norms, and knowledge sharing: the mediating roles of trust in Taiwan’s high-tech firms. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 23(19): 4048-4068. (SSCI).
  13. Hsing-Kuo Wang and Yu-Fang Yen* (*Corresponding author). 2012. An empirical exploration of corporate entrepreneurial orientation and performance in TW’s SME, Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 23(9-10): 1035-1044. (SSCI).
  14. Hsing-Kuo Wang, Jung-Feng Tseng, Yu-Fang Yen*, Ing-Chung Huang.(*Corresponding author). 2011. University staff performance evaluation systems, organizational learning, and organizational identification in Taiwan, 2011. Social Behavior and Personality. 39 (1): 43-54. (SSCI)
  15. Jin-feng Uen, Michael S. Chien, and Yu-Fang Yen. 2009. The mediation effects of psychological contracts on the relationship between human resource systems and role behaviors: A multilevel analysis. Journal of Business and Psychology. (24): 215-223. (SSCI).
  16. Cheng-Fei Tsai and Yu-Fang Yen* (*Corresponding author). 2008. A model to explore the mystery between organizations’ downsizing strategies and firm performance: integrating the perspectives of organizational change, strategy and strategic human resource management. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(3): 367-384. (SSCI).
  17. Hsing-Kuo Wang, Yu-Fang Yen, Cheng-Fei Tsai, Yu-Chieh Lin. (*Corresponding author). 2008. An empirical research on the relationship between human capital and innovative capability: a study on Taiwan’s commercial banks. Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 19 (11-12): 1189-1205 . (SSCI).
  18. Philip Tsai, Yu-Fang Yen*, Liang-Chih Huang, and Ing-Chung Huang. (*Corresponding author). 2007. A study on motivating employees’ learning commitment in the post-downsizing era: job satisfaction perspective, Journal of World Business, 42: 157-169. (SSCI).


  1. The impact of internal corporate social responsiblity on employee voice behaviors: The mediating role of organizational commitment. The Asian Conference on the Social Sciences, Tokyo, May 23-27, Japan.
  2. Quanxi, knowledge sharing and organizational innovation: Examing the mediation process in the Chinese schema, Demark, June24-27. Academy of International Business Annul Meeting.
  3. Understanding Organizational Innovation in Chinese Context: A Perspective of Social Capital. 2015. AIB 2015 Bengaluru Conference.
  4. Determinants of individual engagement in knowledge sharing: The social capital perspective. 2015. The third International Symposium on Economic and Social Science, Tokyo, Japan. July 22-24, 2015.
  5. The Effect of Social Capital on Organizational Innovation: A Perspective of Chinese Schema. 2014. Academy of Management Meeting, August 1-5, Philadelphia,Pennsylvania, USA.
  6. Human Resource Management Practices and Organizational Performance: The Role of Interpersonal Relationships in Chinese Market. 2015 Global Conference on Contemporary Issues in Education. 2014-07-12. Las Vegas, USA.
  7. Impact of Institutional Norms on Knowledge Sharing: The Mediating Role of Trust. AIB 2012 Washington, DC Conference.
  8. Examining the mechanisms linking guanxi and knowledge sharing: the mediating roles of trust and norms. 2011 European Academy of Management Conference on Management Culture in the 21st Century .Tallinn, 1-4 June 2011.
  9. Empirical evidence between corporate entrepreneurial orientation and performance: a perspective of multidimensional construct.第六屆海峽兩岸組織行為與人才開發學術研討會, 2010,11.
  10. Impact of entrepreneurial orientation on firm performance: the moderating role of managerial networks. 11th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, 2010,06.
  11. Impact of human capital on firm innovation: the moderating role of social capital. 11th International Conference on Human Resource Development Research and Practice across Europe, 2010,06.
  12. Organizational socialization and work attitudes: The mediating effects of perceived organizational supports. Academy of Management, 2009,08.
  13. The relationships among developmental human resource configuration, professional commitment and perceived organizational supports of bank debt collectors: The moderating effect of emotional intelligence. ACME 2009 Annual Conference,2009,07.
  14. 績效評估系統、組織學習與組織認同關係之研究-以國立大學公務人員為例 中華民國科技管理學會2008 年會論文集, 2008,12.
  15. 歷史脈絡探討金門商業發展 中華民國科技管理學會2008 年會論文集, 2008,12.
  16. 顏郁芳 化阻力為助力:探討育兒經驗對中高階女性主管在管理風格的影響中華民國科技管理學會2008 年會, 2008,12.
  17. 華人家族企業接班人議題之探討 中華民國科技管理學會, 2008,12.
  18. Exploration on the Relationship between Human Capital and Firm Performance: the Role of trust Academy of Management 2008 Annual Meeting, 2008,08.
  19. Research on the relationships among performance evaluation systems, organizational learning and organizational identification: an empirical study of public officers at national universities in Taiwan. BAI 2008 International Conference on Business and Information, 2008,07.
  20. Exploration on the Relationship between Human Capital and Firm Performance: the Role of Innovation 2008 Academy of Management, 2008,07.



  1. 矛盾型領導的利弊雙重效應對組織公民行為之影響:探討中介機制與調節角色(NSTC1132410-H-507-001) 2024/08/01-2025/07/31

  2. 實質性與象徵性企業社會責任歸因對員工工作之影響:探討中介與調節的機制(NSTC112-2410-H-507-002)2023/08/01-2024/07/31

  3. 探討企業社會責任、組織認同與員工績效之關聯性:領導者組織典範性的調節效果(110-2410-H-507-004-) 2021/08/01~2023/07/31

  4. 企業社會責任對員工組織公民行為之影響:探討中介機制與調節角色(109-2410-H-507-003-)2020/08/01~2022/04/30
  5. 企業社會責任對員工組織承諾與工作結果之影響:集體主義傾向的調節效果(108-2410-H-507-005) 2019/08/01~2021/04/30
  6. 家長式領導、心理契約與員工績效之跨層次分析(107-2410-H-507-009) 2018/08/01~2019/07/31
  7. 企業社會責任與組織承諾之關聯性分析:以組織認同與心理契約為雙中介變項(106-2410-H-507-012) 2017/08/01~2018/07/31
  8. 2014/2015補助學術研習營:組織研究之研究設計與分析議題;個人工作適配,個人組織適配對員工留任與績效影響;高階研究方法與國際期刊投稿之應用
  9. 2014大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫案(103-3114-C-507-001-ES) 2014.08.01-2015.07.31
  10. 2014探討社會資本對組織創新之影響-以知識分享為中介變項之研究 (103-2410-H-507-017-) 2014.08.01-2015.07.31
  11. 2013 Total Involvement in Quality (TIQ): Diagnosing, planning and involvement for change and excellence (Post Denmark Case) (102WCSFAB600005) 2013.03.01~2013.03.10.
  12. 2013 Management Control Theories and the European Excellence Model (102WCSFAB600007), 2013.03.01~2013.03.10.
  13. 2013 科技部科學志工火車頭計畫/計畫名稱:和我們息息相關的水資源(102027) 2013.10.20~2014.05.30
  14. 2013脈絡觀點下高績效人力資源管理措施、華人關係與組織績效之關聯性研究(102-2410-H-507-008) 2013.08.01~ 2014.07.31.
  15. 2013大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫案(102-3114-C-507-001-ES) 2013.0801~2014.07.31.
  16. 2012 Impact of institutional norms on knowledge sharing: The mediating role of trust (101-2914-I-507-002-A1) 2012.6.30~2012.7.3.
  17. 2012人力資源管理措施與外勞工作績效之跨層次研究-以員工準備度為中介變項(101-2410-H-507-003-)2012.08.01- 2013.07.31.
  18. 2012國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫案(101-3114-C-507-001-ES) 2012.08.01~2013.07.31.
  19. 2011探討社會資本對知識分享之影響-以台灣高科技業為例(100-2410-h-507-001-) 2011/8/1~2012/7/31.
  20. 2011國科會獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫案(100-3114-C-507-001-ES) 2011.08.01~2012.07.31.
  21. 2010大專校院獎勵特殊優秀人才措施計畫案(99-3114-C-507-001-ES) 2010.08.01~2011.07.31.
  22. 2010創業導向與組織績效之關聯-以管理者網絡為干擾項之研究(99-2410-H-507-001-)2010/8/1~2011/7/31.
  23. 1999 .高績效人力資源管理實務、創新與組織績效之關聯性研究(98-2410-H-507-003-),行政院國家科學委員會,2009/08/01至2010/07/31.
  24. 1998 探討人力資本、社會資本、創新能耐與組織績效之關聯–以臺灣商業銀行為例(96-2416-H-507-002-),行政院國家科學委員會, 2007/08/01至2008/08/31.
  25. 指導國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫:金門傳統產業升級之探索性研究,行政院國家科學委員會,2010/7/1~2011/2/28.
  26. 指導國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫:建構金門縣觀光事業人力教育訓練計劃之模式,行政院國家科學委員會,2010/7/1~2011/2/28.
  27. 指導國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫:博奕休閒產業之設立評估研究–以金門縣離島為例,行政院國家科學委員會,2009/07/01至2010/02/28。
  28. 指導國科會大專學生參與專題研究計畫:華人家族企業接班人議題之探討,行政院國家科學委員會,2008/7/1~2009/2/28。


  1. 113年度教育部教學實踐研究, PBM1133963, 2024/08/01-2025/07/31.

  2. 112年金門區域安全角色與產業菁英體驗計畫:Youth Elite Program Exploring Regional,Security Profile of Kinmen & Its Industries外交部112/5-113/4

  3. 109年優秀外國青年學子來臺蹲點TEEP@AsiaPlus三年期計畫教育部109/1/1-112/6/30計畫主持人。

  4. 109年「金湖飯店暨金湖廣場」服務品質暨滿意度調查委託案.金門縣政府109/07/16-109/12/15

  5. 108年金門繪本英譯.金門縣文化局 108/08/15-108/11/30
  6.  107年警政施政滿意度調查.金門縣警察局107/05/07-107/07/28
  7. 金門縣觀光休閒英文導覽口袋書籍編輯計畫,金門縣政府交通旅遊局,2011/7/1至2011/12/1。
  8. 觀光休閒產業解說人員管理制度之研究,金門縣政府,2011/4/8至2011/10/8。
  9. 海洋商業發展與全球化管理,教育部,2010/02/01至2010/07/31。
  10. 金門金廈聯網消費者企業形象認知、顧客滿意度與忠誠度的因素調查計畫,中華金廈聯網股份有限公司, 2009/04/01 ~ 2009/06/30。
  11. 金門縣政府98年度廉政問卷調查,金門縣政府, 2009/04/01 ~ 2009/06/30。
  12. 建置離島地區新移民教育資源中心,內政部,2011。
  13. 金門縣政府99年度廉政問卷調查研究案,金門縣政府,2010。
  14. 「薪資制度診斷與規劃案」,金酒公司,2010。
  15. 金門縣政府98年度廉政問卷調查,金門縣政府,2009。




  1. EMI (English as medium of instruction) 全英語授課教師訓練證書, 國立台灣師範大學與美國在台協會頒發.
  2. 教育部112年度校園性侵害騷擾或性霸凌調查專業人員高階培訓結業. 



  1. 福建高等檢察署金門檢察分屬特約通譯
  2. 金門縣議會醫療監督小組顧問
  3. 金門縣兒童及青少年福利服務中心委託專業服務評選委員
  4. 金門縣社會救助金專戶管理委員會委員
  5. 財團法人福建更生保護會第十屆董事會董事


  1. 金門縣婦女權益促進委員會委員
  2. 金門縣公益彩券盈餘分配基金收支保管及運用管理會委員
  3. 金門縣政府訴願審議委員會委員
  4. 金門縣政府為民服務電話禮貌測試考核小組委員
  5. 金門縣政府公債管理委員會委員


  1. 金門縣政府為民服務電話禮貌測試考核小組委員
  2. 金門縣短期補習班不適任人員認定委員會委員
  3. 金門縣政府核發離島免稅購物商店設置同意評選案委員
  4. 金門縣政府員工協助方案委員
  5. 金門縣災害防救團體及志願組織審議小組委員


  1. 財團法人大學入學考試中心高中英語聽力測驗第二次考試金門考區巡場人員
  2. 金門縣政府公益彩券盈餘分配基金收支保管及運用管理會委員
  3. 金門縣政府婦女權益促進委員會委員
  4. 金門縣政府員工協助方案委員
  5. 穩定中高齡在職者服務計畫企業訪視委員
  6. 金門縣婦女權益促進委員會委員
  7. 金門縣第1次公益彩券盈餘分配基金收支保管及運用管理會委員
  8. 金門縣政府公益彩券盈餘分配基金收支保管及運用管理會委員
  9. 107學年度科技校院四年制與專科學校二年制統一入學測驗金門考區預備監試委員
  10. 金門縣災害防救團體及志願組織審議小組委員
  11. 財團法人福建更生保護會第九屆董事會董事
  12. 金門縣兒童及少年福利服務中心委託專業服務評鑑委員
  13. 金門坑道音樂節規劃辦理案評選委員會委員
